S-integratorTM      open source integration 








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Open Source S-integrator is open source and licensed under the LGPL.
S-integrator commercial licenses can also be purchased by organizations that require Section 6 of the LGPL to be waived. Section 6 of the LGPL says that an application is compliant with the LPGL
"...provided that the terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications."
Free S-integrator is free for most uses, including writing proprietary applications that use S-integrator. This is the primary difference between the GPL and the LGPL. S-integrator commercial licenses can be purchased by organizations that require Section 6 of the LGPL to be waived as mentioned above.
Service-Oriented S-integrator is an implementation of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) that is not simply limited to Web Services technologies. In fact, S-integrator supports listeners for different communications protocols and inbound adapters for different application protocols in addition to outbound adapters that broker external system requests, S-integrator will soon have a mainframe adapter available.
Small Footprint S-integrator is under 1MB installed and only requires the Java runtime environment 1.2+.
No J2EE is required.
Service StoresTM Service Stores are virtual store-fronts that expose Service PackagesTM to service consumers via Service EntrancesTM. Service Entrances are similar to a Web Services endpoint. A Service Entrance binds a physical address to an inbound adapter and listener that listens for requests. Service PackagesTM contain Atomic ServicesTM, Service AgentsTM and Service FlowsTM.

An Atomic Service is a simple service with a lifetime of a single request. A Service Agent is an intelligent service with a longer lifetime that spans multiple requests. A Service Flow represents the orchestration of a sequence of services with a lifetime of a single request. A Service Flow can call Atomic Services, Service Agents or other Service Flows, making it one of the most powerful feaures in S-integrator.
Extensible S-integrator supports listeners for different communications protocols and inbound adapters for different application protocols in addition to outbound adapters that broker external system requests. These adapters in combination with Service Flows makes S-integrator highly extensible.
Legacy Integration S-integrator supports listeners for different communications protocols and inbound adapters for different application protocols in addition to outbound adapters that broker external system requests, S-integrator will also soon have a mainframe adapter available.

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